A high school girl stressed over taking a test.

Why Back-to-School Mental Health Checkups Are Important

As the back-to-school season approaches, parents and students often focus on school supplies, new clothes, and physical checkups at the doctor’s office. Equally deserving of attention is the mental health of students. Incorporating mental health checkups into the back-to-school checklist is critical for the overall well-being and academic success of students. Continue reading as we explore the rise of mental health issues in young people, signs to look for, plus resources and ways to treat these issues heading into the new school year.

The Rise of Mental Health Issues in America’s Youth

Mental health challenges among children and adolescents are becoming more and more common. According to SAMHSA, children and youth ages 3-17 diagnosed with anxiety grew by 29% between 2016 and 2020, while depression rates increased by 27%. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 6 U.S. children aged 2-8 years (17.4%) have a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder. Last year, the Surgeon General issued an advisory pointing out that the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened any pre-existing mental health challenges and substance abuse disorders in children and youth. It’s important to understand that mental health issues can manifest in children through anxiety, depression, ADHD, and more. That can significantly impact a student’s ability to learn, socialize, and thrive in a school environment.

The Impact of Mental Health on Academic Performance

A student’s mental health can directly influence their academic performance. Anxiety and depression can lead to difficulties in concentration, memory, and decision-making, which are critical for learning. Parents who suspect their students may be struggling with these issues should look for a decline in grades, absenteeism, and a lack of interest in school activities. Incorporating mental health checks into back-to-school checkups during the summer, health professionals can identify these issues before a new semester starts. Getting ahead of mental health concerns can help students succeed academically.

Promoting Early Intervention

A high school girl talking to a smiling guidance counselor.Early intervention is key to managing mental health issues effectively and giving students an extra boost of confidence before heading into a new school year. When mental health checks are included in routine medical evaluations, professionals can detect signs of distress early. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions, like counseling, therapy, or other support systems. This can significantly improve a student’s mental health and prevent more severe issues from developing once school begins.

Reducing Stigma and Normalizing Mental Health Care

Incorporating mental health checks into back-to-school routines can also reduce the stigma associated with mental health care. When mental health is treated with the same importance as physical health, it sends a message that seeking help is normal and important. Making it a part of their annual health checkups may also encourage students and their families to openly discuss mental health concerns together and get help if needed.

Mental Health Resources for the Family

When a child is suffering mentally, it can impact the entire family. When seeking help to identify mental health struggles or care for them, it’s important to know where to go. Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC), like Singing River Services, are modeled to have approaches for any family in crisis. CCBHCs are available 24/7 and offer personal and family mental health screening, care, and counseling services. Seeking professional intervention can not only help your child with any mental health struggles but also help family members understand and be able to provide a supportive environment at home. Consider including mental health evaluations when making those back-to-school appointments. This approach will ensure students receive comprehensive care addressing all aspects of their health, leading to better outcomes, both in and out of the classroom.

Giving Students Coping Strategies

Mental health checks can also serve as an opportunity to educate students about coping strategies and resilience. By understanding their mental health, students can learn to recognize signs of stress, anxiety, or depression and develop healthy ways to manage these feelings. Teaching children about mental health can empower them to take an active role in their well-being and seek help when they feel like they might need it. Incorporating mental health checks into back-to-school checkups is an important step toward ensuring the overall well-being of students. Addressing mental health alongside physical health creates a supportive environment that builds academic success, reduces stigma, and promotes early intervention. As we prepare for another school year, let’s prioritize the mental health of our students, ensuring they have the resources and support they need to thrive.
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